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APCM 2021 

The APCM will take place on Sunday 18 April 2021, following Parish Mass.  This is the day on which we hold the Annual Meeting of Parishioners and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM).  This event is subject to any changes in Government Guidance.

Preparation for the ASC APCM

There are three actions that you need to complete:

1. Check the Electoral Roll
2. Consider volunteering for or nominating others to Key Appointments
3. Read the ASC Annual Report prior to the meeting

1.  Check the Electoral Roll

The Electoral roll was revised between Saturday the 27 February and Sunday the 14 March 2021.  The revised roll is now available HERE (on line) from Friday 19 March for factual amendments, the roll will close on Friday the 2 April.  This will be 17 days before the APCM.

It is only by being on the Electoral Roll that you have the opportunity to actively participate in the decision making here at ASC and shape the way we respond to the needs of this community and our world.  Having a voice and the full ability to engage is important.  It is especially so as we move out of the last few months of the Lock-Down and all that this has entailed and reshape ourselves for the future.
If you would like to know more about the Electoral Roll then please have a conversation with one of the Churchwardens or with Fr Charles.  Electoral Roll members will also receive communications by email or post (clearly, you need to be on the Roll to receive this information).  If you would like to join the Electoral Roll, please submit your application to a Churchwarden or through the Office.  The Enrolment Form is available to complete HERE

2. Key Appointments

During the APCM we will (as usual) appoint Churchwardens and then move on to elect:

  • Deanery Synod Representatives (three)
  • Parochial Church Council Members (four)

Nomination Forms for Churchwardens, Deanery Synod Members and PCC Members are available HERE.  Select the Form you wish to use from the three that are automatically downloaded.

We will also Co-Opt a Licenced Lay Minister to the PCC and Appoint Sidespersons.  Additionally we appoint the Independent Financial Examiner.  Importantly, we also receive the ASC Annual Report which provides opportunity to review this past year and look forward to the future.

3. APCM Agenda and ASC Annual Report

The APCM Agenda and the Annual Report will be available for download here. 


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