Choir and Church Music
Music at All Saints, both choral and instrumental, is extremely important. This is true for both our programme of concerts and the music which features so significantly in our worship and praise.
Principal musical services are Parish Mass, on Sundays at 11am, and on Feast Days during the week at 7.30 pm.
Music in Church
From the very start it was the intention of the founders of this church that the services should be presented with all due dignity and ceremonial. Consequently, an important element was the music and this is shown in the very design of the 'new' church. From the consecration of the church in 1868 Solemn Mass, Mattins and Evensong were sung on Sundays, and daily sung services were held. The demand for quality and frequency led to the founding of the All Saints Choir School in 1869.
The early tradition was that the music was plainsong, the ancient music of the Church, and sung in English. This is a tradition which is, broadly, maintained. Settings of the Mass are usually congregational, some written especially for All Saints' and the New English Hymnal is in use. Choral Mass settings are frequently used on Feast Days.

The mixed adult choir has an extensive repertoire with the music of the English sixteenth century composers Byrd, Gibbons, Tallis featuring prominently along with their Continental contemporaries Palestrina, Victoria and others. Composers of later centuries to the present day also have their place. Previous Directors of Music have provided many items for liturgical use including a complete set of Alleluia verses sung between the readings at mass, responsorial psalms and a number of anthems for particular occasions.
The Organ
Designed in association with the then parish organist, Edward Fry, the organ was built by the well known firm of J W Walker. It is a three manual and pedal organ, classical in its conception, with mechanical action, low wind pressures and open foot voicing. It is a very versatile instrument and is equally at home with a wide variety and period of organ music as well as with the regular congregational and choral music of the services. There is also a small chamber organ of three stops placed in the Gallery Chapel.
The Choir
Would you like to be involved in the music making at All Saints, Clifton?
The music is expanding through choral services and concerts, which are a regular feature at All Saints. We are seeking additional singers, instrumentalists and supporters to join us! We also have a number of student bursaries available for those who would like to apply.
Whether you are making music regularly or would like to get back into it again - do come forward! You would be made most welcome on a part time basis. For further information contact John Davenport, Director of Music.