Clifton High School Lunchtime Concert
Wednesday 26th March 1:00pm – 2:00pm
An ongoing concert series, twice a term at 1.00pm
Spring Term 2025 concert dates:
Wednesday 12th February
Wednesday 26th March
Open to parents, staff & the public
For more information, contact Mrs Johnson at Clifton High School:

Lectio Divino (The Richard Chapel)
Wednesday 26th March 3:00pm – 4:00pm
* Thursday Social Evenings at The Alma Tavern *
Thursday 27th March 8:00pm – 10:00pm
Candlelight: A Tribute to Fleetwood Mac
Friday 28th March 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations in Bristol. Get your
tickets now to discover the music of Fleetwood Mac at Church of All Saints under the gentle glow of candlelight.
General Info
Tickets from £15 (depending on Zone) - to purchase, please visit the Candelight Concerts website
Duration - 60 minutes (doors open 45mins prior to the start time, and late entry is not permitted)
Age requirement - 8 years old and above. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
Accessibility: this venue is wheelchair accessible
Seating is assigned on a first come first served basis in each zone
Candlelight: A Tribute to Taylor Swift
Friday 28th March 9:00pm – 10:00pm
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations in Bristol. Get your
tickets now to discover the music of Taylor Swift at Church of All Saints under the gentle glow of candlelight.
General Info
Tickets from £15 (depending on Zone) - to purchase, please visit the Candelight Concerts website
Duration - 60 minutes (doors open 45mins prior to the start time, and late entry is not permitted)
Age requirement - 8 years old and above. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
Accessibility: this venue is wheelchair accessible
Seating is assigned on a first come first served basis in each zone
**SHARED PARISH LUNCH for Mothering Sunday**
Sunday 30th March 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Lectio Divino (Richard Chapel)
Wednesday 2nd April 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Friends Together - Dementia Friendly Cafe
Thursday 3rd April 10:00am – 12:00pm
A dementia accessible Café on the FIRST Thursday of every month from 10am to 12pm
Support, guidance, information and friendship
Tea, coffee and delicious home-made cake!
Everyone is welcome
Dates for 2025 - all at 10am-12pm
Lent Conversations 2025: Facets of Violence - Paths to Peace (Redland Park United Reformed Church)
Thursday 3rd April 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Churches Together in Clifton Cotham and RedlandLent Conversations 2025: Facets of Violence - Paths to Peace
All Talks: 7pm refreshments; 7.30pm start

* Thursday Social Evenings at The Alma Tavern *
Thursday 3rd April 8:00pm – 10:00pm
All Saints Arts Concert Matinée - Bristol Brass Ensemble - 40th Anniversary Concert
Saturday 5th April 4:00pm – 5:00pm
All Saints Arts - Concert Matinee Series 2025

Admission to Concert Matinées is free
Retiring collection (cash/card)
Refreshments available after the concert
Choral Evensong for Passiontide
Sunday 6th April 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Lectio Divino (Richard Chapel)
Wednesday 9th April 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Lent Conversations 2025: Facets of Violence - Paths to Peace (Victoria Methodist Church)
Thursday 10th April 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Churches Together in Clifton Cotham and RedlandLent Conversations 2025: Facets of Violence - Paths to Peace
All Talks: 7pm refreshments; 7.30pm start

* Thursday Social Evenings at The Alma Tavern *
Thursday 10th April 8:00pm – 10:00pm
Easter Craft for Everyone: The All Saints' Flower Team
Saturday 12th April 10:30am – 12:30pm
All Saints Arts - Concert Matinee Series 2025

Walks For Everyone - Kings Weston House and Shirehampton
Saturday 12th April 10:45am – 1:00pm
Candlelight: A Tribute to Queen
Saturday 12th April 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations in Bristol. Get your tickets now to discover the music of Queen at Church of All Saints under the gentle glow of candlelight.

General Info
Tickets from £15 (depending on Zone) - to purchase, please visit the Candelight Concerts website
Duration - 60 minutes (doors open 45mins prior to the start time, and late entry is not permitted)
Age requirement - 8 years old and above. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
Accessibility: this venue is wheelchair accessible
Seating is assigned on a first come first served basis in each zone
Candlelight: Ed Sheeran Meets Coldplay
Saturday 12th April 9:00pm – 10:00pm
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations in Bristol. Get your tickets now to discover the music of Ed Sheeran Meets Coldplay at All Saints under the gentle glow of candlelight.
General Info
Tickets from £15 (depending on Zone) - to purchase, please visit the Candelight Concerts website
Duration - 60 minutes (doors open 45mins prior to the start time, and late entry is not permitted)
Age requirement - 8 years old and above. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
Accessibility: this venue is wheelchair accessible
Seating is assigned on a first come first served basis in each zone
Parish Mass (10:15 Palm Sunday procession)
Sunday 13th April 10:15am – 12:00pm
Holy Week Mass led by Revd Canon Jonnie Parkin
Monday 14th April 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Holy Week Mass led by Revd Canon Jonnie Parkin
Tuesday 15th April 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Holy Week Mass led by Revd Canon Jonnie Parkin
Wednesday 16th April 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Mass - Liturgy of The Lord's Supper
Thursday 17th April 7:00pm – 8:30pm
The Maundy Thursday Evening service, the Liturgy of the Lord's Supper, marks the start of the The Paschal Triduum or Easter Triduum, spanning three days and reaching its high point in the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday, closing with Evening Prayer on Easter Sunday.
NO Thursday Social Evening at The Alma Tavern during Holy Week
Thursday 17th April 8:00pm – 10:00pm
Vigil in the Richard Chapel until Midnight
Thursday 17th April 8:30pm – 11:30pm
Good Friday Devotion - an hour of reflection on The Passion of The Lord
Friday 18th April 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Solemn Liturgy of The Passion of The Lord
Friday 18th April 1:30pm – 3:00pm
The second service in the The Paschal Triduum or Easter Triduum which spans three days and reaches its high point in the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday, closing with Evening Prayer on Easter Sunday.
'Easter Eve' service and Blessing of the Easter Garden - with Hot Cross Buns & Easter Eggs!
Saturday 19th April 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Great Easter Vigil and the First Mass of Easter
Saturday 19th April 8:00pm – 10:00pm
The Great Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter is the culmination of The Easter Triduum, and marks the first sign of Christ's light and resurrection. The service starts in the dark outside church on the forecourt where the Pascal Candle is lit and blessed. The congregation then files into church, carrying unlit candles - all is still in darkness. The candles are lit one by one as the people progress through the atrium and into church to begin the Service of Light......
Early Worship Easter Festival Eucharist
Sunday 20th April 9:00am – 9:30am
Easter Day Festival Mass
Sunday 20th April 10:30am – 12:00pm
All Saints Book Group
Wednesday 23rd April 7:00pm – 9:00pm
* Thursday Social Evenings at The Alma Tavern *
Thursday 24th April 8:00pm – 10:00pm
Friends Together - Dementia Friendly Cafe
Thursday 1st May 10:00am – 12:00pm
A dementia accessible Café on the FIRST Thursday of every month from 10am to 12pm
Support, guidance, information and friendship
Tea, coffee and delicious home-made cake!
Everyone is welcome
Dates for 2025 - all at 10am-12pm
* Thursday Social Evenings at The Alma Tavern *
Thursday 1st May 8:00pm – 10:00pm
All Saints Arts Concert Matinée - Music for Oboe, Bassoon and Piano
Saturday 3rd May 4:00pm – 5:00pm
All Saints Arts - Concert Matinee Series 2025
Imogen Triner (Oboe)
Sally Bartholomew (Bassoon)
James Drinkwater (Piano
Programme TBA
Admission to Concert Matinées is free
Retiring collection (cash/card)
Refreshments available after the concert
Tea and Taizé
Sunday 4th May 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Come and enjoy a cup of tea of coffee, followed by a simple meditative service, based on the worship practised by the ecumenical Taizé community in France ( A contemplative service in a relaxed, candlelit setting, with chants, prayerful silence and short readings. Everyone is welcome - those who have a Christian faith and those who struggle to believe.
All Saints Arts - Organ Recital Series
Wednesday 7th May 1:10pm – 2:00pm
Part of the All Saints Lunchtime Organ Recital series featuring varied programmes from well-known organists
Every Wednesday in May & July @ 1.10pm
All recitals will start at 1.10pm and will last approximately 40mins
7th May - Huw Morgan
14th & 21st May; 2nd & 9th July - Paul Walton (Bristol Cathedral)
28th May - Alison Howell
16th July - Jed Hughes (St. Mary's, Wotton-Under-Edge)
23rd July - TBC
30th July - TBC
* Thursday Social Evenings at The Alma Tavern *
Thursday 8th May 8:00pm – 10:00pm
Candlelight: Vivaldi's Four Seasons
Friday 9th May 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations in Bristol. Get your
tickets now to discover Vivaldi's Four Seasons at Church of All Saints under the gentle glow of candlelight.
General Info
Tickets from £15 (depending on Zone) - to purchase, please visit the Candelight Concerts website
Duration - 60 minutes (doors open 45mins prior to the start time, and late entry is not permitted)
Age requirement - 8 years old and above. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
Accessibility: this venue is wheelchair accessible
Seating is assigned on a first come first served basis in each zone
Candlelight: Hans Zimmer's Best Works
Friday 9th May 9:00pm – 10:00pm
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations in Bristol. Get your
tickets now to discover the music of Hans Zimmer at Church of All Saints under the gentle glow of candlelight.
General Info
Tickets from £15 (depending on Zone) - to purchase, please visit the Candelight Concerts website
Duration - 60 minutes (doors open 45mins prior to the start time, and late entry is not permitted)
Age requirement - 8 years old and above. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
Accessibility: this venue is wheelchair accessible
Seating is assigned on a first come first served basis in each zone
Walks For Everyone - Barrow Court
Saturday 10th May 10:45am – 1:00pm
Mainly Slow Organ Music
Saturday 10th May 11:00am – 12:00pm
Part of Huw Morgan's mainly slow organ music series.
Free Admission
Monthly(ish) concerts of mainly slow organ music performed mainly in Bristol by Huw Morgan. Free to all (though there'll be a collection plate at the back if you're feeling generous). Bring a coffee, come and go as you please!
For more information see the
mainly slow organ music website
A Bristol Early Music Festival Event - Colossal Baroque Workshop for Singers
Sunday 11th May 1:00pm – 6:00pm
Come and sing the stunning 4-choir
Missa Benevola, by the 17th-Century Franco-Italian composer, Orazio Benevoli. The workshop

will be led by Robert Hollingworth, the inspirational conductor, musicologist, and director of the renowned early music ensemble
I Fagiolini.
For more information and how to book, see the Bristol Early Music Festival website page
A Bristol Early Music Festival Event - Missa Benevola for Four Choirs by Orazio Benevoli
Sunday 11th May 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Robert Hollingworth, the inspirational conductor, musicologist, and director of the renowned early music ensemble
I Fagiolini, directs the stunning 4-choir
Missa Benevola, by the 17th-Century Franco-Italian composer, Orazio Benevoli. The performance is the culmination of the day's
Colossal Baroque Workshop for Singers

For more information and how to book onto the workshop, see the Bristol Early Music Festival website page
All Saints Arts - Organ Recital Series
Wednesday 14th May 1:10pm – 2:00pm
Part of the All Saints Lunchtime Organ Recital series featuring varied programmes from well-known organists
Every Wednesday in May & July @ 1.10pm
All recitals will start at 1.10pm and will last approximately 40mins
7th May - Huw Morgan
14th & 21st May; 2nd & 9th July - Paul Walton (Bristol Cathedral)
28th May - Alison Howell
16th July - Jed Hughes (St. Mary's, Wotton-Under-Edge)
23rd July - TBC
30th July - TBC
* Thursday Social Evenings at The Alma Tavern *
Thursday 15th May 8:00pm – 10:00pm
Bristol and District Organists' Association - President's Concert and Tea
Saturday 17th May 4:00pm – 6:00pm
A concert of music for organ, other instruments and voices.
Free Admission; Tea and Cakes; Retiring Collection
For more information see the Bristol and District Organists' Association website page
Sunday 18th May 12:30pm – 2:00pm
All Saints Arts - Organ Recital Series
Wednesday 21st May 1:10pm – 2:00pm
Part of the All Saints Lunchtime Organ Recital series featuring varied programmes from well-known organists
Every Wednesday in May & July @ 1.10pm
All recitals will start at 1.10pm and will last approximately 40mins
7th May - Huw Morgan
14th & 21st May; 2nd & 9th July - Paul Walton (Bristol Cathedral)
28th May - Alison Howell
16th July - Jed Hughes (St. Mary's, Wotton-Under-Edge)
23rd July - TBC
30th July - TBC
* Thursday Social Evenings at The Alma Tavern *
Thursday 22nd May 8:00pm – 10:00pm
All Saints Annual Parish Retreat
Friday 23rd May 4:00pm – 10:00pm
This year's retreat will once again take place in the beautiful tranquil setting of
Llangasty Retreat House, Brecon, Powys from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th May 2023.

As always, it is a silent retreat and will be led by The Reverend Canon Nicola Stanley, Associate Priest at All Saints, Clifton. The retreat theme will be: 'Praying the Eucharist: On the Road to Emmaus'.
The cost includes accommodation and all meals - breakfast/lunch and dinner - and will be in the region of £210 (to be confirmed early in 2025).
Nearer the time, a list will be posted in the church porch for people to sign up to, if they'd like to
For more information, contact:
Liz Badman -; 07583 540825
Helen Sutton -; 07802 256315
For more detailed information on the All Saints Parish Retreats in general, see

All Saints Annual Parish Retreat
Saturday 24th May 9:00am – 6:00pm
This year's retreat will once again take place in the beautiful tranquil setting of
Llangasty Retreat House, Brecon, Powys from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th May 2023.

As always, it is a silent retreat and will be led by The Reverend Canon Nicola Stanley, Associate Priest at All Saints, Clifton. The cost includes accommodation and all meals - breakfast/lunch and dinner - and will be in the region of £210 (to be confirmed early in 2025).
Nearer the time, a list will be posted in the church porch for people to sign up to, if they'd like to
For more information, contact:
Liz Badman -; 07583 540825
Helen Sutton -; 07802 256315
For more detailed information on the All Saints Parish Retreats in general, see