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All Saints Parish Retreat 2024

17-19 May, Llangasty Retreat House

Led by Fr Paul Hawkins 

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On Friday 17th May, thirteen of us descended on Llangasty Retreat House, by the shores of Llangorse Lake, for our annual weekend retreat, led this year by Fr Paul Hawkins.

The theme of the retreat was ‘Questioning God: God’s questions to us / our questions to God’. Interspersed by the Daily Offices, Fr Paul gave five thought provoking addresses, exploring the following questions:

‘Where are you; where is your brother?’:  The word of Joy is at the heart of our faith, God is always seeking us and asking ‘Where are you? Do not hide from me, don’t be afraid’. Fr Paul told us a story of a boy in Auschwitz whose only place of solitude was a dung heap. All he could say sitting there was “God, I hate you”. 20240518 145441 After a while he was astonished to feel an overwhelming sense of God’s loving presence. Even in the darkest of times, God comes with a gentle, loving invitation to come to him.
Then Fr Paul addressed the question ‘Please tell me your name’, ‘have you seen him whom my heart loves?’, ‘what kind of being are you, who are you?’:  We should accept we are unconditionally loved by God and lift our false images of God. The Song of Songs is an allegory of us seeking after God – God waits for us to be ready.
20240518 145551~2 (1)‘Do not humans have a hard service on earth?’: Here Fr Paul spoke of an incident from Dostoevsky’s The Brother’s Karamasov where he imagines Christ meeting with the Grand Inquisitor where the Grand Inquisitor asks why Christ didn’t accept the temptations in the wilderness.  Christ says nothing, but kisses the Grand Inquisitor – the answer being that God’s love allows our free will. Fr Paul also focused on how much The Psalms help us in our conversations with God.
‘Is it right for you to be angry?’: Unrighteous anger destroys us and leads to depression and anxiety. Christ on the cross absorbs our anger.
‘How will this happen?’ The Virgin Mary questions the Angel Gabriel, who in the Annunciation has just told her that she will be the mother of Jesus Christ.  In doing this, God brings the divine world and the human world together.  The overwhelming love of God – the coming together of divine and human will – is bound up in Mary’s response: “ I am the Lord’s servant.  May it be to me as you have said”.

The whole weekend was a joy and a rest with beautiful weather so that we could sit in the sun and listen to the gentle sounds20240518 145840 of the sheep, cows and horses in the field between us and the lake. When anyone wanted to talk they did so, outside away from those of us who wished to remain silent. The retreat house is comfortable and we’re well looked after.  It’s set in a beautiful spot with glorious views of the lake and the mountains, and we returned to Bristol refreshed – physically, mentally and spiritually.

Next year’s retreat is booked for the third weekend of May, Friday 16th to Sunday 18th May 2025, The retreat leader and all other details will be announced in due course, but we can confirm that once again the retreat is sure to be a very special, restorative and rewarding few days. 

Places are limited and go very quickly, so for now, do pencil the 16-18 May 2025 in your diaries, and if you wish to express an interest, email either Helen or Liz to get your name down on the advance list:


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